Printed Web 3 available online and offline now

Printed Web 3 was published in May 2015 as books, zines, skins and downloads by Paul Soulellis


5 x 8 in.
388 pages
ISBN 9781320767903
Paperback black-and-white print-on-demand book with uncoated cream-colored interior pages.
Unlimited edition.
“The Philosophical  Origins of Digitality”
an interview with Alexander Galloway
“In Defense of Poor Media”
by Silvio Lorusso
The Printed Web #3 Open Call
Index of 329 Files Received
(List of 147 artists included)

—>  Download Printed_Web_3.pdf (90 MB)
—>  Purchase printed copy at Blurb ($8)

more information about it at

New Complain im Mental Space

here are some pics from Anna Lena Meisenbergs contemporary performance with modern sound and music. everything is very well and good looking. girl also is great! we like her beautifull attitude much. 🙂
very very stuff und good style and nice also.  the moving pictures are coming from ruhrgebiet to us – thank you florian!
the show was performed at Mental Space, Bochum.
and now, dear, please go, click. look. enjoy starting week with good visuals and sounds. this is obviously best you can do.


2​0​.06.15, 19.00
„New Complain“ | Anna Lena Meisenberg

Mental Space
Eislebenerstr. 4
D-44892 Bochum

WTI 2.0 @ Kunsthalle Düsseldorf

Waste your life. NOW! Internet4life is coming to town. rhineland also good for startup and more digital now. very happy to see and. many thanx to artist-designer-curator-enterpreneur-writer-bookpublisher Tomas Artur Spallek for creating, organizing and curation !!1!1!!!! we are very curious to see show. lets meet all of N00bs and Pros there. make RL_CHAT please!
D’ont forget to bring your laptop!

of course there is facebook event on internet.
updates all there. read it and be happy for now. but please also come into kunsthalle-meatspace. lets be real! there.
join the show and artyfartparty with internet. this is internet-club rhineland.
& dont forget to emoj please.



In the last 25 years the internet has become the most relevant medium to extend the possibilities of communication. It is the most important tool for navigating through social constructions and the reality of culture and society. In the last years we have focused our attention increasingly on digital devices. To understand the changes in everyday life, culture, and society we created a project that is based on Kenneth Goldsmith’s course: Wasting time on the Internet. Through his method the artists get to a subconscious state of mind, that enables them to split their attention on the web and to achieve a consciousness that reflects the conditions they encounter in today’s Internet

WTi 2.0

Kunsthalle Düsseldorf
30 June 2015 | 7 pm – 10 pm

Aftershow Party
Salon des Amateurs | 10 pm
Continue reading „WTI 2.0 @ Kunsthalle Düsseldorf“

A Burning Bag as a Smoke-Grey Lotus – nice show in brussels

Gareth Moore / A Burning Bag as a Smoke-Grey Lotus

… looking good and interesting. seems to be relaxing and contemporary. would love to be part of ceremony. would feel good afterwards.
show is nice. people and art look good.
please look at pics. its good for your eyes and thinking. if you want to know more you can visit website and website. better read everything please.
thank you. take care and please make good good look, gender boygirl.

A Burning Bag as a Smoke-Grey Lotus by Gareth Moore, exhibition view, La Loge, Brussels 2015 - image_courtesy of La Loge and the artist_3585 A Burning Bag as a Smoke-Grey Lotus by Gareth Moore, exhibition view, La Loge, Brussels 2015 - image_courtesy of La Loge and the artist_3604 A Burning Bag as a Smoke-Grey Lotus by Gareth Moore, exhibition view, La Loge, Brussels 2015 - image_courtesy of La Loge and the artist_DSC9446
La Loge
asbl-vzw architecture museum – la Loge
Kluisstraat rue de l’Ermitage 86
1050 Brussels

my 5 fav tweets of matthew briton

follow him for more on twitter

Protip: Mediengruppe Bitnik zum RL-CHAT im Weltkunstzimmer

Bildschirmfoto 2015-06-16 um 23.26.36 Darknets und ein Paket an Mr. Assange
Die !Mediengruppe Bitnik im Gespräch mit Sabine Maria Schmidt

„Wir sind überzeugt, dass es eine Aufgabe der Kunst ist, Ränder auszuleuchten und zeitgenössische, gesellschaftliche Fragen zu thematisieren.“

Seit über zehn Jahren agieren die Künstler der !Mediengruppe Bitnik an den Schnittstellen sichtbarer und unsichtbarer Räume und folgen den Strukturen und Spuren, die eine fortschreitende Überwachung hinterlässt. Im Ruhrgebiet war die Künstlergruppe 2010 im Rahmen des Projektes „Hacking the City“ präsent, zapfte öffentliche Überwachungskameras an und speiste diesen die Aufforderung zum Schachspiel zu.
Mit ihren jüngsten Aktionen haben die Künstler internationale Aufmerksamkeit und Diskussion erregt. So programmierten sie für ihre Einzelausstellung in St. Gallen eine Software (Bot), die automatisierte Einkäufe erledigte. Die algorithmisch erworbenen, zum Teil illegalen Waren wurden aus der Ausstellung beschlagnahmt und warfen damit grundlegende Fragen zur Debatte um Künstliche Intelligenz auf.

2013 sandte die „!Mediengruppe Bitnik“ ein Postpaket an den Wikileaks-Gründer Julian Assange in die ecuadorianische Botschaft, das den eigenen Postweg mittels einer im Paket installierten Kamera dokumentierte. Das Paket an den in Bahrain inhaftierten Menschenrechtsverteidiger Nabeel Rajab hingegen wurde am Flughafen in Dubai abgefangen.