SPAMM – virtualism

Awesome and international collaboration with a selection of the finest netbased artists and artworks, initiated by french digital artist Michaël Borras, a.k.a. Systaime. This years version of the event had a team of three curators: Helena Acosta, Jean Guillaume Le Roux, and Systaime.
The three participating spaces Babycastles Gallery in New York, EKLUZ in Paris, and Electromuseum in Moscow were linked for the three-day event SPAMM. The now gloablized show is a curatorial initiative launched already 4 years ago dedicated to the digital arts, including video art, net art, game and social network experiments.
More infos about the participating artists, curators and selected artworks are available at this post from creators project. All artworks of this years event are available at the webpage

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some more pictures on FB, 2015
curated by
Helena Acosta, Jean Guillaume Le Roux & Michaël Borras A.K.A Systaime