Brigitte Waldachs Welt at Galerie Conrads

last week i was visiting galerie conrads for a public talk about digital issues, internet-stuff und artgaleries. first i was little bit annoyed from the slightly boring discussion. but later i recognized that it was great fortune and i received a rare gift: some time for contemplation in front of an artwork. so i was sitting almost two hours in front of two pieces from Brigitte Waldachs current show at galerie.
when i remember correctly, i never spend so much time in front of an artwork – and to be honest guys, who does this today if he doesnt own it?
2 hours! thats almost eternity for someone like me, who is used to scan tons of artwork mixed with other great pics while scrolling over the endless tumblrs and instagrams of internet.
but after a while in front of the these pics, artwork started to affect me and left an impression in my mind, which was still present the next day. perhaps Helga Weckop-Conrads isnt so wrong about this orgiginal-thing as i thought at the first moment?

anyway. i contacted her over f***book and asked for some pics and she kindly complied with my request.
thanx for the pics, mrs Weckop-Conrads.
here we go.

Brigitte Waldach „Welt“
04 September – 24 October 2015