The end of a long night. It’s dark out, yet the room is bathed in intriguing colors. Beer bottles and cans are everywhere and by now some Christmas lights have fallen from their hooks. It seems to have been a jolly good event – astonishing, that nothing is broken. And while looking at it, not even the ashtray has been used; quite strange. Peering at the details, what is presented gives rise to a certain suspicion towards the authenticity of this mess; it rather seems so… set up.
What Alex Morrison (*1972 lives and works in Brussels) brought to MÉLANGE is an alienated scenery. In a series of five new works, Morrison sets a stage, which serves to present the idea of a party that could have taken place. Continuing with his latest approach towards image defining means, he uses 3D rendering software to built a highly complex and compelling scene, from which these five prints derive. Morrison´s pieces do not present different interiors, but rather different angles and views from the same virtual room. Thereby the view seems to behave like a tracking shot in a film, guiding the visitor through its space.
8.12.2015 – 31.1.2016
Jonas Schenk
Nonnenwerthstr. 2-4
50937 Cologne