Scale Of Rating

The material is the medium – is the message – equals questionable content – or is there any content left?
The shown material is an appropriation of screen recorder visits of well-known gallery websites with randomized sound in the background. We follow the user clicking through anything he can find, presenting us the “latest trends” in the art world. The choices of websites to visit is based on the scale of rating, which is determined through algorithmic rankings based on probability of importance.




Patrick_6 Continue reading „Scale Of Rating“


The end of a long night. It’s dark out, yet the room is bathed in intriguing colors. Beer bottles and cans are everywhere and by now some Christmas lights have fallen from their hooks. It seems to have been a jolly good event – astonishing, that nothing is broken. And while looking at it, not even the ashtray has been used; quite strange. Peering at the details, what is presented gives rise to a certain suspicion towards the authenticity of this mess; it rather seems so… set up.
Alex Morrison, Through The Brum, 2015, archival inkjet print on Epson Hot Press Paper, 59,4 x 84,1 cmAlex Morrison, Through The Brum, 2015, archival inkjet print on Epson Hot Press Paper, 84,1 x 59,4 cm_1What Alex Morrison (*1972 lives and works in Brussels) brought to MÉLANGE is an alienated scenery. In a series of five new works, Morrison sets a stage, which serves to present the idea of a party that could have taken place. Continuing with his latest approach towards image defining means, he uses 3D rendering software to built a highly complex and compelling scene, from which these five prints derive. Morrison´s pieces do not present different interiors, but rather different angles and views from the same virtual room. Thereby the view seems to behave like a tracking shot in a film, guiding the visitor through its space. Alex Morrison, Up the Wooden Hill to Bedfordshire, installation view, MÉLANGE 2015 Continue reading „UP THE WOODEN HILL TO BEDFORDSHIRE – ALEX MORRISON AT Mélange“

Life Inside a Secret Chinese Bitcoin Mine

In October of last year Motherboard gained access to a massive, secretive Bitcoin mine housed within a repurposed factory in the Liaoning Province in rural northeast China.

This is the infrastructure that keeps the digital currency’s decentralized network up and running, and its operators are profiting big time.

The mine we visited is just one of six sites owned by a secretive group of four people, part of a colossal mining operation that, as of our visit, cumulatively generated 4,050 bitcoins a month, equivalent to a monthly gross of $1.5 million.

Read more on Motherboard –

Kunst & Denker Contemporary opening with Tim Berresheims „Happy Fingers

IT IS the new place to be for artists, collectors, creatives and new style enthusiats with hot open minds in Düsseldorf: Kunst&Denker is a cosy but elegant gallery space in a backyard of Unterbilk, one of my favorit parts of our Dorf.  If you are around, don forget to make a short stop @ Florastrasse 75.
I alread liked opening. Thanx for the Show to all. Looking forward for more.
Good to have this new player in town. This is not Berlin, this is Rhineland and we do not sleep here also.

The pics created by Tim were obviously also very well, made with advanced skills, open eyes and much avantgard technology high end power. 3d, 3d-glasses, 3d-prints, augemented apps and sophisticated pictures, made with happy fingers and delivered with the berresheim-style.
its defintely worth seeing it as originals at galleryspace.
if you are to far a way. no prob, looking pictures here is also fine. klick. bookmark webpage, online shop will open soon.
cool editions made by finest artists, will be send directly to you with much love by mr kunst and mrs denker.

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Exploit & Disappear (we just stole it from the internet)

Exploit & Disappear (we just stole it from the internet) at digital3mpire –
Friday, 30th. Octobre 2015

Tanja Ritterbex (NL, de Ateliers) and Isabella Fürnkäs (DE/F, Kunstakademie Düsseldorf) contrast preposterous self-made mobile phone videos with found internet-footage resulting in a non-static, perpetual collage. The result was a multichannel video installation, that was translated into a printed fabric sheet which covers a bed in the centre of the room. A performance by Isreal Aten took place on the same bed.

Exploit & Disappear (we just stole it from the internet) was part of “The Wrong – New Digital Art Biennale” which started officially at 1st November 2015.

Continue reading „Exploit & Disappear (we just stole it from the internet)“


Before we start, a short comment to the pics which have all been done by Carsten Heisterkamp, who just did it at W57/Galerie am Meer too – pics of his show are at our bros and sis of trylon. yeah. muddgoo. whoop whoop!

And now here you can see, Roberto Cuellar just did it. He really really did it and started the thing whith builidng this objects of great style and pop. german speaking reader can read the nex textpart. all other, have to watch pics and try to get it, through visual cortex – thats ok too.

„Roberto Cuellar führt verschiedenste architektonische Elemente zu raumgreifenden Monumentalobjekten zusammen, die durch die Verwendung von transparenten Materialien und dem Element des Lichts ihre Leichtigkeit nicht einbüßen. Auffallend ist ihre Farbigkeit und Materialität, die an die Ästhetik vergangener Zeiten, vor Allem die der ersten Videospiele und die der Lichtinstallationen der ZERO-Bewegung, erinnert. Cuellar bleibt jedoch nicht in der Retrospektive stehen, gerade in der Kombination aus diesen beiden ästhetischen Richtungen verhilft er ihnen zu neuem Glanz. Er geht mit ihnen weiter nach vorne und bindet das latente Element der Straße in seine Objekte mit ein. Die Street-Art und Skaterkultur ist omnipräsent, ist aber nicht mit szenetypischen Emblemen überfrachtet und wird in einer glänzenden und galerietauglichen Form präsentiert. Tief verankert in Cuellars Schaffen ist seine eigene Biografie, die seine Objekte in schreinartige Gebilde verwandelt.“

And now enoght context text. Go. Watch and see show.
You can see show SCHEIN from 30.10. to 27.11.15 at W57, Worringer Straße 57, Düsseldorf.

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The Lazy Sunbathers @ Sies + Höke

Surfing on local internet i discoverd good looking pics on website of sies+höke. grabed it down to harddiskstorage for later posting.
… later is now.
show has modern style, fresh and young looking images and things, combined with slick looking contemporary attitude. thats the way we wanna see dis arty shit. thanx to all who spend energy and time into making show. most work was done by Ketuta Alexi-Meskhishvili, Radamés Juni Figueroa, Sayre Gomez, Van Hanos, Daniel Keller, Jack Lavender, Rose Marcus, Travess Smalley and Philipp Timischl.

all pics from website. thank you sies+höke for sharing the copy etc.

Sies_und_Hoeke_Galerie1_o Sies_und_Hoeke_Galerie2_o Continue reading „The Lazy Sunbathers @ Sies + Höke“

jessie stead – left behind by runaway interludes

over this and the last year, jan kaps has developed his gallery into one of the hottest spaces in cologne, rhineland and germany.
incredible cool work by him and the artists he invited.
thanx and we definetly want to see more of this!


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via wfw

all images:
KAYA V (KERSTIN BRÄTSCH / DEBO EILERS) exhibition view at Galerie Meyer Kainer, Vienna
Courtesy Galerie Meyer Kainer, Vienna
photos by ULI HOLZ

KAYA is an exhibition and performance series started by KERSTIN BRÄTSCH and DEBO EILERS in 2010 at 179 Canal in New York. Five years and four KAYA’s presentations later, the Viennese gallery Meyer Kainer is presenting the fifth iteration of the collaborative project between the two artists.

DOG ETIKIT next to my dojo

coming out of my dojo last thursday after good training i stumbled upon BETWEEN ARRIVAL & DEPARTURE, a very cool and tiny projectspace run by stefanie seidel. she is doing good job in a special space in an exciting area of düsseldorf.
curator decided to make cooporation with THE VANITY EAST gallery form L.A. and show work form Lisa Lapinski and Anna Helm. whole presentation and artwork was very dry and definetly contemporary hot.
i quickly decided to make some pictures with cam from smartphone for the blog. so you can see it here too now.
girls have done good and easy job. go further, girls! stay cool and casual.
good luck and thnx for the show!


in collaboration with THE VANITY EAST, Los Angeles
Opening: September 24, 2015, 7-9 pm
Adersstraße 78, 40215 Düsseldorf, Germany

Killing the KunstMonster – Je est un autre (Ich ist ein Anderer)

A very nice essay about the dissolving of art. writing is based on some shows at Fridericianum in Kassel last year. published by via artblogcologne, worth clinking and worth reading. Unfortunately only in german available; but hey, good anyway. we’re on track again.
art must disappear, cause subject must disappear.
we all are on. a you and a i does not exist. so now lets click and read together.


Eight Weeks – Time on the Internet

The open minded people from Rhineland already know yvonne klasen from her very good job doing at boutique ebertplatz in cologne. what some of these boys and girls do not know is, that yvonne is also making excellent internet artstuff, often with focus on time. because of this its ok using hashtg #timebasedNetart now for her new work. she has developed this digital project called ‚Eight Weeks‚ for the online exhibition plattform ‚space‚, which is curated and supported by cologne based design studio 0815.
by the way, great to know we also have global online gallery now here in the local area. i really like the fact! hope to see more soon.

Eight Weeks

Eight Weeks = 4.838.400 seconds.
During this time span Yvonne Klasen measures time in pixels in the context of her exhibition „Eight Weeks“.
1 second = 1 pixel
The visitor can see the work growing in realtime and experience its dimensions through scrolling. A digital tape measure is created live, pixel for pixel for pixel.

Within the exhibition „Eight Weeks“ an edition is published.


Eight Weeks
4. Sept. 2015, 19.00 Uhr until 30. Okt. 2015


Printed Web 3 available online and offline now

Printed Web 3 was published in May 2015 as books, zines, skins and downloads by Paul Soulellis


5 x 8 in.
388 pages
ISBN 9781320767903
Paperback black-and-white print-on-demand book with uncoated cream-colored interior pages.
Unlimited edition.
“The Philosophical  Origins of Digitality”
an interview with Alexander Galloway
“In Defense of Poor Media”
by Silvio Lorusso
The Printed Web #3 Open Call
Index of 329 Files Received
(List of 147 artists included)

—>  Download Printed_Web_3.pdf (90 MB)
—>  Purchase printed copy at Blurb ($8)

more information about it at

New Complain im Mental Space

here are some pics from Anna Lena Meisenbergs contemporary performance with modern sound and music. everything is very well and good looking. girl also is great! we like her beautifull attitude much. 🙂
very very stuff und good style and nice also.  the moving pictures are coming from ruhrgebiet to us – thank you florian!
the show was performed at Mental Space, Bochum.
and now, dear, please go, click. look. enjoy starting week with good visuals and sounds. this is obviously best you can do.


2​0​.06.15, 19.00
„New Complain“ | Anna Lena Meisenberg

Mental Space
Eislebenerstr. 4
D-44892 Bochum

WTI 2.0 @ Kunsthalle Düsseldorf

Waste your life. NOW! Internet4life is coming to town. rhineland also good for startup and more digital now. very happy to see and. many thanx to artist-designer-curator-enterpreneur-writer-bookpublisher Tomas Artur Spallek for creating, organizing and curation !!1!1!!!! we are very curious to see show. lets meet all of N00bs and Pros there. make RL_CHAT please!
D’ont forget to bring your laptop!

of course there is facebook event on internet.
updates all there. read it and be happy for now. but please also come into kunsthalle-meatspace. lets be real! there.
join the show and artyfartparty with internet. this is internet-club rhineland.
& dont forget to emoj please.



In the last 25 years the internet has become the most relevant medium to extend the possibilities of communication. It is the most important tool for navigating through social constructions and the reality of culture and society. In the last years we have focused our attention increasingly on digital devices. To understand the changes in everyday life, culture, and society we created a project that is based on Kenneth Goldsmith’s course: Wasting time on the Internet. Through his method the artists get to a subconscious state of mind, that enables them to split their attention on the web and to achieve a consciousness that reflects the conditions they encounter in today’s Internet

WTi 2.0

Kunsthalle Düsseldorf
30 June 2015 | 7 pm – 10 pm

Aftershow Party
Salon des Amateurs | 10 pm
Continue reading „WTI 2.0 @ Kunsthalle Düsseldorf“

A Burning Bag as a Smoke-Grey Lotus – nice show in brussels

Gareth Moore / A Burning Bag as a Smoke-Grey Lotus

… looking good and interesting. seems to be relaxing and contemporary. would love to be part of ceremony. would feel good afterwards.
show is nice. people and art look good.
please look at pics. its good for your eyes and thinking. if you want to know more you can visit website and website. better read everything please.
thank you. take care and please make good good look, gender boygirl.

A Burning Bag as a Smoke-Grey Lotus by Gareth Moore, exhibition view, La Loge, Brussels 2015 - image_courtesy of La Loge and the artist_3585 A Burning Bag as a Smoke-Grey Lotus by Gareth Moore, exhibition view, La Loge, Brussels 2015 - image_courtesy of La Loge and the artist_3604 A Burning Bag as a Smoke-Grey Lotus by Gareth Moore, exhibition view, La Loge, Brussels 2015 - image_courtesy of La Loge and the artist_DSC9446
La Loge
asbl-vzw architecture museum – la Loge
Kluisstraat rue de l’Ermitage 86
1050 Brussels

my 5 fav tweets of matthew briton

follow him for more on twitter


We still find pleasure thinking about art on the moon, but as our earthly climate, or even our social climates, sustain life on Earth, our fantasies requires some parameters.


Frankly, it would be difficult to do a bad show on the moon.


The moon is cold and inhospitable to art.

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Unprotected from assaults by space debris and the sun, no structure could withstand these conditions for long.

Continue reading „SMOOTHIE CONFERENCE at Jennifer Nails, FFM“


The latest issue of Editions was inspired by the preponderance of “local” movements—particularly in food and craft culture. We so often hear this heart-warming, feel good idea that local is somehow better, more sustainable—and we’re not arguing. We do love a good organic, locally grown and prepared kale smoothie. But it made us wonder how the idea of “local” fit into the contemporary art world—a “world” so commonly prefaced with the epithet “global.”

via Welcome to Local | Andrea Alessi @ artslant


LOCAL Table of Contents:

Lost in the Local | James Pepper Kelly
Bottling Local | Edo Dijksterhuis
The Place of the Museum | Joel Kuennen
New York State of Grind | Darren Jones
We Are All Synecdoches | Himali Singh Soin
Relocating Home | Nicole Rodriguez

A sneak preview into the totaly amazing digitalized and netbased artwork of vince mc kelvie. his tumblr is a good starting point, also spend some time googling him, its definetly worth. for a first impression go click here and enjoy webgl/3d/magic at its best. dont forget to check his videos on instagramm.


Ein von Vince Mckelvie (@vincemckelvie) gepostetes Video am

Bildschirmfoto 2015-05-08 um 10.53.59Bildschirmfoto 2015-05-08 um 10.54.21Bildschirmfoto 2015-05-08 um 10.54.35Bildschirmfoto 2015-05-08 um 10.55.20Bildschirmfoto 2015-05-08 um 11.05.53

Konferenz der Kunsthochschule für Medien Köln und des Chaos Computer Clubs Köln. Für Hacker, Maker und Künstler. Eröffnung am 15.5. um 20 Uhr mit einer Keynote von Net-Art Pionierin Cornelia Sollfrank: „Hacking and Art in the Post-Snowden Era“, gefolgt von einem Konzert des KHM Klanglabors. Danach 2 Tage voller Workshops, Vorträge, Installationen und einer Gameshow. Eintritt frei. Programm siehe

Conference organised cooperatively by Academy of Media Arts Cologne and Chaos Computer Club Cologne. For hackers, makers and artists. Opens on 15 May with a keynote by net-art pioneer Cornelia Sollfrank: „Hacking and Art in the Post-Snowden Era“, followed by a concert by KHM’s Klanglabor. After that two days full of workshops, talks, installations and a gameshow. Free admission. Full program see

a lill old but still up2date: the

In order to celebrate’s first anniversary Claudia Maté and Carlos Sáez curated a collaborative video following the same system as they do in : 5 artists were invited to create a short video of 30 sec. Again,they had total freedom to work on any concept, esthetic or texture. Acompanied with a soundtrack by Yoshi Sodeoka, the 5 videos by Chris Timms, Rollin Leonard, Jasper Elings, Anthony Antonellis and Emilio Gomariz were joined together with transitions in order to create a fluid story.

00:0000:30 Chris Timms (
00:3000:42 / 01:3001:37 Carlos Saez + DMNTIA ( + (
00:4200:59 Rollin Leonard (
00:5901:29 Jasper Elings (
01:3702:04 Anthony Antonellis (
02:0403:15 Emilio Gomariz (
03:1504:00 Claudia Mate (

Music by Yoshi Sodeoka (

Curated by